The company is named: Công ty Cổ phần Xây dựng và Kỹ nghệ Intercontinental
International name: Intercontinental Construction and Technocrats Joint Stock Company.
Abbreviation name: CIC CO
Investment license No.: 0103042512 issued on 01/12/2009 by the Hanoi Department of Planning and Investment. Investment license (4revised) No. 0104283271 issued on 04/01/2018.
Tax registration No.: 0104283271 issued on 04/12/2009 by the Hanoi Tax Office.
CIC Co’s stamp register certificate is issued on 04/12/2009 by the Hanoi Police.
Office address: TM05, 3th floor, No1-T1 building, Diplomatic delegation urban area, Xuan Dinh ward, Bac Tu Liem district, Hanoi city, Vietnam.
Tel: (+8424) 37938391 – Hotline: (+844) 913862078 (Mr Toan)
Register capital: VND (Fifty billion Vietnam dongs)
Business areas: build various kinds of houses; build civil technical civil works; drainage and sewage treatment; install power system, water supply system, drainage system; …
- Cooperarion – Win-Win scenario: The company respectedly takes advantage of capacities of …the public, building up a great collectivism power to get the company’s objectives. This cooperation is on mutually beneficial basic.
- Sustainable development: All of the company operations are taken into consideration to satisfy the development requirements of the present time as well as ensure the future development.
- Effectiveness: All of the company’s performance are on economic effectiveness basis in order to decrease production cost and management expenses therefore increase benefit for clients and shareholders as well. Risk is forecasted and considered.
- Transparency: All of the company’s performances are recorded fully and precisely and are declared transparently to shareholders…, the authorities and public, except for the cases in which the confidential information is to be kept according to the national laws and the company charters.

- For Staffs: we create a professional working environment with increasing salary, we give staffs many chances to be well-educated and keep pace with CIC Co’s rapid development. Internal quality service increases gradually.
- For share holders: we maintain CIC Co’s sustainable development, clear management and effective capital source. The value of the share increases gradually.
- For suppliers: Sharing our plans with suppliers to help the company obtain best value from bought in goods and services through long lasting relationships which are beneficial to both parties.
- For customers: we hope to have a profitable co-operation, make mutal communication and provide customers with the best products and services.
- For society: we create usefulness to the environment. We contribute to country’s development.